Sunday, December 20, 2015

MYOS - Make-Your-Own-Sausage [Insert Joke Here]

It's time to explore cured and preserved meats. For our sausage, we used a mixture of ground lamb meat, fat, herbs, and spices to make these delicious wheels and links. The first step was to clean the crucial ingredient in sausage-making: intestines! We acquired kosher lamb intestines, which are hard to come by.
Then we had to detangle them.
Here, Sheva and Esther are rinsing out the poop.
The lamb meat and fat mixture going through the meat grinder:
Chef demonstrating how to use a sausage machine to stuff the intestines.
Skewering the pinwheel makes it easier to flip when cooking.
Naomi, Esther, and Sheva stuffing a section of intenstine.
Roasted pimento for the lamb mixture.
Avi working on our sausage mix, with Josh photobombing.
Sheva and Esther holding up their links.
Stuffed intestines:
Eugenia stuffing it:
10' sausage!

Lamb Sausage
3.5 lbs lean lamb meat, cubed
1.6 lbs lamb or beef fat, cubed
1.5 oz kosher salt
3 tsp sugar
1.5 tsp whole white pepper
1.5 tsp whole coriander
1.5 tsp whole cumin seeds 
1.5 tsp whole fennel seeds
2 cups flat-leaf parsley
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1.5 lbs roasted red peppers, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup serrano pepper
1.5 oz minced garlic
3 oz olive oil
4 oz dry red wine
sausage casings or intestines

In a heated saucepan, toast the whole spices until fragrant but not burned (about 6 minutes).
Remove from pan and let cool to room temperature.
When cool, grind spices in spice grinder or with a mortar and pestle until coarse.
Next, saute the garlic in olive oil in a small saucepan until translucent.
Combine lamb, fat, spices, and peppers (all ingredients up to the dry wine) in a bowl and mix.
Run through a meat grinder once.
Stir the dry wine into the meat mixture.
Use a sausage stuffer or attempt to stuff by hand into synthetic casings or cleaned and rinsed kosher animal intestines.

To eat the sausages, roast, grill, saute, or smoke them.

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