Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dinner at Bonnie's

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision that a bunch of us from class gathered at classmate Bonnie's house during Chanukah for a homemade meal. We made a few recipes using techniques we learned in class. This is Bonnie's kitchen:
Avi mixing some well-received cocktails:
Esther making some butternut squash latkes:
Joshua enjoying a cocktail
Me! Enjoying another cocktail:
Bonnie demonstrating how to raise her mixer, above.
In the oven is a piece of grilled and roasted salmon and latkes to stay warm.
Part of the prep crew!
Dinner is served:
Above: Grilled Salmon with Putanesca Sauce / Below: Butternt Squash Latkes
Bonnie's roasted baby zucchinis:
Caesar Salad and Pasta A La Vodka:

A big thanks to Bonnie and her husband for hosting us once again!

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