Thursday, April 2, 2015

Post-Swim Breakfast Shake

As a part of my 2015 Transformation, I'm eating even healthier, swimming 3-4 times a week for a total of 3 miles, running, playing tennis, and playing volleyball. After my 1/2 mile swim this morning, I stopped by SmoothieKing for a breakfast shake:

Vegan - Dark Chocolate Banana


Sunwarrior® Warrior Blend plant-based protein, 100% Cocoa, Bananas, Açaí Sorbet
Nutrition Information
32 oz

Fat (g)8
Saturated Fat (g)3.2
Calories from Fat64
Cholesterol (mg)0
Carbohydrates (g)112
Sugar (g)56
Protein (g)17.6
Sodium (mg)184
Fiber (g)17.6
So far, I'm meeting my slim-down/tone-up goals and I feel great! If you'd like encouragement for your own 2015 goals, comment on this post!

Interested in portrait/landscape photography, tattoos, or industrial design? Check out my other blog!

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