Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mimouna - Sephardic End-of-Passover Celebration

This past Saturday night marked the end of the Passover holiday, and many Sephardic Jews take part in a mimouna: a ceremony of leavened foods, fruits, honey, and tea that marks the end of Passover and the return of chametz (all things leavened). We indulged in moufletta, a sweet pancake, filled with a pad of butter and a drizzle of honey. After you fold it, you eat it with your hands. 
above: moufletta, grapes, bread with butter, and baklava with chocolate
Decorations on the stage in the social hall
There was music, gold jewelry, trilling, and mint tea, and a good had time all around!

Me, on the left, and some friends.

Another fun part of the night was when I received a bit of henna. The woman applying it placed the spoonful on my palm, covered it with a cotton pad, and tied it on my hand with a red ribbon, for good fortune. The yellow/brown stain will be on my palm for about 2 weeks until it fades. I'm hoping for good luck every day!

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