Friday, November 6, 2015

The Great Challah Bake - Manhattan Edition

On October 22 at the Lincoln Square Synagogue, upwards of 900 Jewish women gathered to make challah dough in the hopes that the entire island of Manhattan would smell like baking challah on Friday, and the spirit of a unifying Shabbat experience across the world.

Our ingredients were pre-measured in a bowl:
Me and my cousin, Leora!
 A shot of the room:

The demo, run by "The Kosher Baker," Paula Shoyer.
Mixing by hand!
 Since we were not able to bake the challahs on-site, I brought the dough home in a cooler and baked it at home. The recipe made 2 large challahs and a medium sized-one.
They were delicious! When I make challahs, I add honey and more sugar so the loaves are sweeter, but these were delicious! I also rushed the baking a little bit, since I got home late, so they only rose 1.5 times as opposed to the full 2 times. Next time!

 Shabbat shalom!

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