Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cedar-Smoked Fish Packets

I bought a pack of cedar wood grilling papers to try on a camping trip, but unfortunately, that didn't work out. Instead, I used them on my stovetop grill. I gathered the following ingredients:

-red snapper fillet
-fresh rosemary
-red onion

First, you will have to soak the papers (so they don't burn) and you will get a nice smoke.
 I sliced up the zuchini to fit better inside the packet.
Then I placed the fish on top. Next time I do this, I would marinate the fish in a light sauce, possibly olive oil, vinegar, and garlic. This time the fish was plain: I wanted to see how everything tasted with the cedar flavor.
 Next I placed a slice of red onion on top of the fish:
 Lastly, I put a sprig of fresh rosemary on the onion. Next time, I'll throw on some sea salt, pepper, and maybe a drizzle of olive oil.
 Then it was time to fold and tie up the packet.
I pre-heated the stove top grill to medium-high and let the packets sit for about 8-10 minutes.
 This is what the fish looked like inside the packet after 10 minutes:
 The fish was done, but the veggies definitely needed more time.
 I ended up eating the packet with a side of corn slaw. Delicious!

Happy eating!

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